Monday, September 12, 2011

Stop Clucking and Start Layin'! Collection II-B

We created nesting boxes shortly after finishing the coop back in November '10. Sweetie started laying eggs the day after her sister Cha Cha died in January '11, weird right? Sweetie has never used the nesting boxes, always laid in the main sleeping quarters. Sweetie hasn't laid in quite sometime (3.5 months I have a theory- the subject of  Lice which will also be my next post!!)   Monkey see, monkey do- did not adhere to the principal of egg laying. So it's determined it was instinctual/ survival more than mimicking behavior.

About 1.5 months ago when Peanut and Billie Holiday started laying they did exactly as Sweetie had done- in the main coop/sleeping quarters!   I researched on how to  encourage your hens to lay in the nesting boxes, they suggested golf balls. I did as the article stated, nope did not work gave the golf ball idea 2 weeks.

 Last week Rock and I decided to enclose the nesting boxes by placing coyote fencing around the side of the nesting box that is exposed to the yard and along the front of the nesting boxes.. perhaps they have been scared to lay because the dogs are in sight- Natural Selection?? We also placed a board on the top of the coop so they hens very enclosed and safe like the sleeping quarter environment . During the day I have been boarding up the sleeping quarters to distract the hens and to encourage the girls to start laying in the boxes instead.  I remove the boards at night so the hens can rest peacefully by either roosting or sitting inside the coop. I am pleased to say the idea of enclosing the nesting boxes Worked!!! The chickens have been laying for the past 5 days!! This morning I decided to leave the main coop open as an experiment to see which one they choose.. came home today and there were 2 eggs in the nesting box zero in the main sleeping quarters!!! I know it all sounds silly, but in terms of sanitation hens tend to keep the nesting boxes much cleaner than the sleeping quarters.  Therefore less chances of eggs getting exposed to toxins and also the eggs were getting stepped on and  Hens can become more broody if they lay and sleep in the same area.  Mission Nesting Boxes Accomplished!

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